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Monday, 30 May 2011

Apricot Seeds For Immune System Health ( By Joni Bell )

                                                           Author : Joni Bell

     We all want our immune systems to function well. After all, it is our immune systems that keep us from getting ill. It is easy to see which people have stronger immune systems sometimes. For example, take a look at teachers in an elementary school building. Some teachers may come down with every cold, flu, or bug that is going around-these are typically the newly hired teachers or teachers who are new to that particular school system. The other teachers who rarely get ill have stronger immune systems in relation to those types of illnesses because their bodies have adapted to that specific setting.

    There are ways to boost the immune system, though-methods through which anyone can work to try to strengthen his immune system so as to be less susceptible to both regular, everyday types of illnesses and more serious illnesses such as cancer.You can boost your immune system through the use of apricot seeds. Though many conventional doctors may not subscribe to this theory, it does work (and anyway, conventional doctors nearly always reject alternative therapies out of hand, don't they?).

    Taking apricot seeds works to prevent 'bad' cells in your body from forming, thus strengthening your immune system. Apricot seeds have the toxin cyanide as part of their structure; this cyanide, though, is only released when the amygdalin of the apricot seeds comes into contact with a 'bad' cell in your body. At that point, the cyanide works to destroy the bad cell.If you take apricot seeds on a regular basis, your body will remain detoxified and free of the 'bad' cells that commonly cause the more serious types of illnesses, including cancer.There are hundreds of different types of cancer. The odds of getting some type of cancer at some point during your lifetime are relatively high-especially considering what scientists tell us.

    They tell us that our bodies are continually making cancerous cells. That's pretty scary, isn't it? Well, there is a way to prevent those cancerous cells from ever developing into cancer-a way to destroy those cells before they have a chance to do any harm. It involves the use of apricot seeds.Normally our immune systems can deal with the cancerous cells that our bodies are producing, scientists say. However, what if yours cannot? That means you will develop some type of cancer. So, perhaps you should try taking apricot seeds as a method of cancer prevention...just in case.

Any Apricot Seeds?

    Now, before you head off to your local health foods store or nutrition store and grab whatever bag of apricot seeds you can find, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, the apricot seeds you would find at your local store are not the type of seeds you could use for cancer prevention.
Health food stores carry either sun-dried or roasted apricot kernels. While these may have nutritive benefits, they do not have any type of cancer preventive properties. Instead, you need raw apricot seeds.

Why Raw Apricot Seeds?

    Raw apricot seeds have a special construction that allows them to destroy cancerous cells-in the process of roasting the seeds or sun-drying the seeds, this special construction is, itself, destroyed. Roasted and sun-dried seeds do not have the component that is necessary to destroy the cancer cells.Raw seeds are comprised of amygdalin. Amygdalin has cyanide locked away that only cancer cells can unlock. When the amygdalin comes into contact with a cancer cell, the cyanide comes and destroys the cell. It is this component that the roasted and sun-dried apricot seeds are lacking. Amygdalin is also called B17. In its extracted, pure form it is also known as laetrile. Laetrile has been used to treat cancer sufferers in some cancer clinics.
Jonathan Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. []
By Joni Bell

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1 comment:

  1. There is a very broad range of apricot kernels available that encompass the entire spectrum of amygdalin content - from very little, to quite a lot. The bitterness of an apricot kernel is indicative of its amygdalin content. Both sweet and bitter varieties contain quantities of amygdalin. However, people don’t realize the significant range of amygdalin content of the apricot kernels being sold as “bitter” varieties.

    45 apricot kernels of one variety are all that is required for a daily dose of 1,500 mg of amygdalin. This is a dose that falls within a therapeutic range. In another variety of “bitter” apricot kernels, 200 kernels would have to be consumed in order to achieve similar quantities. However, the people using this variety are still adhering to common dosage guidelines, which means, at best, they’re likely only receiving 80-100 mg of amygdalin, and that’s at 45 apricot kernels per day.

    The variety of bitter apricot kernel is critical to their efficacy. The wrong variety will simply not work.

    I talk about this in more detail on my own blog at

    My mission is to promote apricot kernels correctly. There is so much misinformation online regarding apricot kernels, a large percentage of users aren't giving themselves the best chance they have. I want to clear up some of these myths and misconceptions and attempt to level out the terrain. Apricot kernels absolutely deserve respect in the realm of alternative therapies, but the propagation of misinformation will continue to mar their reputation and their efficacy.
