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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Fruits and Vegetables Rejuvenate Your Skin ( By Alice White Green )

     For women, getting older and older is the most terrible thing during the whole life. In order to keep young, women have already thought of various ways to deal with the aging. In fact, some fruits and vegetables can effectively rejuvenate the skin for women so as to alleviate the aging.Cherry can help women whiten the facial skin and remove the wrinkles. It contains abundant vitamin C and iron. Therefore, it also plays important roles in balancing the secretion of cortex, deferring the aging and activating the cells inside the human body.
Red guava can effectively resist oxidation. The ellagic acid contained in red guava can protect the human cells from the environmental pollution and the harm caused by the ultraviolet rays. At the same time, it can nourish the cells and defer the aging of the human organ. According to the research, it can even effectively resist radiation for people.

    Carrot plays an important role in nourishing the human skin. The pectin contained in carrot can be integrated with mercury to remove the toxic substances from the human body. The beta-carotene contained in carrot can resist oxidation, beautify the skin and prevent the precipitation of melanin. Vitamin E can also resist oxidation for women.

    Cucumber contains various kinds of sugar and amino acid which can accelerate the normal growth and support the physical activities. Abundant vitamins contained in cucumber can provide essential nutrients for the skin and the muscles and prevent the formation of wrinkles. The tartaric acid contained in cucumber can even whiten the skin and remove the freckles for women.
Grape contains abundant grape polyphenol which can resist oxidation, stop the hyperplasia of episome and defer the aging. It also contains tannic acid and citric acid which can soften the human skin. In addition, the abundant vitamin B3 and mineral substances can even nourish the skin, resist aging and accelerate the regenesis of the skin cells.

    Lemon contains a large number of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and so on. What's more, it also contains rich organic acid and citric acid to help the human skin resist oxidation, accelerate the metabolism and restrain the pigmentation.Apricot contains rather abundant nutrients, such as dietary fibers, vitamin C, mineral substances and vitamin B17. The mineral substances and vegetarian unsaturated oily fat can effectively nourish the skin for women.The fruits and vegetables mentioned above can effectively beautify the skin for women. Women can choose some of them based on their own situations.

Alice white green is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.
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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Apricot Seeds Improving Lives of Cancer Patients All Over the World ( By Nomi Sahib Malik )

     Cancer cases have become a major worry for many in the world today. As modern medicine improves and more medical options become available in the market, it is still clear that prevention and natural cures work out best for most if not all medical conditions. Apricot seeds besides having outstanding medicinal value that makes them a major remedy to cancer patients also have special nutritive values to die for.

    As much as apricot seeds have been known to be a good healer of cancer and other related complications, it is important to watch out your intake of the same as apricot seeds could also have some side effects when taken in large quantities. Just like most medicines might have some side effects when used, the apricot seeds also have similar symptoms and will result in depression and other nervous complications if used more than recommended by a client.

    Besides the apricot seeds' wide use in the fight against cancer causing organisms, there are other uses of the seeds which include aromatherapy among other external cosmetic uses that further increase the demand for this particular seed. Any medicinal herb could have adverse effects on any consumer. Besides having side effects as mentioned in the above paragraph, some people may have allergies that could prevent them from taking foods or medicines with particular ingredients.

    Amygdalin found in the apricot seeds is rich of vitamin B17. The vitamin B17 is one of the greatest vitamins that have been tested and verified to have special cancer fighting organisms that will greatly improve an individual's disease fighting mechanism in a great way. The intake of the vitamin B17 however should be more careful since some components in it such as amygdalin could be toxic and must be handled with great caution.

    Alternative medicines have become more prevalent thanks to the increase in health hazards that are rapidly becoming a major concern for many. Divorcing the prevalence of cancer in modern families from the food they take is a very difficult task given that most of the cancer cases seem to have a major link to the foods that we eat or the special foods that our bodies might need but which we rarely eat.

    Food is the main source of body building as well as disease fighting organisms. It is from the food we eat that we are able to generate defense mechanism as well as make new tissues that replace the worn out ones on a regular basis. Regular intake of apricot seeds goes a long way in ensuring the body has plenty of new tissues so that the body keeps replacing any worn out tissues that may latter turn round to haunt the victim.
Apricot seeds have truly changed the world's approach towards the management of cancer due to its outstanding medicinal values that have been proven to stand out in the prevention and cure of cancer. Considering the expenses often involved in the modern curative procedures when dealing with cancer, it should be far more sensible to take apricot seeds as a regular diet if it can save you the trouble of developing cancer.

By Nomi Sahib Malik

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Apricot Kernels Help Prevent Cancer ( By Arthur Martin )

      Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases with more than 100 different types. It is a kind of disease that harms the body when damaged cells forms tumors and spread over certain areas of the body. Basically, it is the most dangerous among all other diseases and may cause death if not prevented during the early stages. It is very costly in terms of medication and not all people with cancers are lucky to survive and totally get cured. However, any form of cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet.

     It is very important for us to be aware of having a good diet. We need to avoid foods that contain more sugar and additives. To maintain your body's good health, you need to eat nutritious food. There several cancer fighting foods that contain all the necessary nutrients that our body needs like the Apricot Kernels.
Apricot Kernels help prevent cancer. It is a seed found at the center of the Apricot fruit. It is also referred as "bitter almonds" that brings a lot of medical and health benefits. It contains vitamin Amygdalin which is a great component that prevents development and spread of cancer cells in the body. Eating foods rich with amygdalin or Vitamin B17 like Apricot Kernels definitely sets you out from any cancer risk. There are also some fruits that contain Vitamin B17 like grapes, apples, peaches and cherries but Apricot Kernels are found to be the most concentrated and the most capable of preventing cancers.

Health benefits of Apricot Kernels:

     Maintains and develops a strong immune system- According to a prominent medical researcher, apricot seeds prevent bad and damaged cells that helps keep our immune system strong. He also added that apricot seeds have toxin cyanide which fights bad cells and taking 7 grams of it daily will keep you free from cancer.
Apricot seeds are also use to treat respiratory problems like asthma, cough, bronchitis, wheezing and emphysema. It serves as cough suppressants and expectorants.Apricot Kernels prevents constipation-because of its oil, apricot seeds are used as laxatives that help induce bowel movements.

    Apricot seeds are typically taste bitter or slightly bitter due to its vitamin B12 content. Despite its bitter taste, it is a very nutritious food that keeps our body strong and healthy. Sometimes, you may be required to take large amount of apricot seeds and this may cause nausea. You will need to take it with an empty stomach. Anyhow, eating some fruits like apples, peaches, plums, pears and cherries will help in neutralizing the effect of amygdalin which prevents you to heave.

    Anyone who could have cancer because anytime, our body cells could be damaged which may result to developments of cancer cells. However, these bad cells could be repaired or destroyed by our natural immune system. Therefore, we need to have a good diet and maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Eating Apricot Kernels daily will surely help and will keep us safe from any form of cancer.
This article was written by Arthur Martin who has been an expert on health foods in general, and has owned a health food shop for several years. He has now become one of the leading distributors of Goji Berries in the UK.

For some of the best information about Apricot Kernels and Bitter Apricot Kernels, you can visit

Monday, 30 May 2011

Health Benefits of Apricot Seeds ( By Helen R. Miller )

     Apricot seeds are nutritious to our health. It contains an essential nutrient Amygdalin or Vitamin B12, which attacks cancer cells and prevents the disease. Though there are several foods that contain amygdalin, they are not commonly used in our Western diet. People in other parts of the world eat a diet rich in amygdalin and it is proved that they are free from the cancer to a large extent. Therefore, the best possible way to get amygdalin is to include raw apricot seeds in your diet.

    Including amygdaline in regular diet remains to be a controversial subject, as amygdaline imprisons a poisonous constituent called cyanide. The apricot seed is however unique in nature. It too has cyanide, but it is locked into the amygdaline compound. Therefore, it does not harm the normal living tissue. You can understand this concept easily with the help of an example. You may know that the common salt has a poison (chlorine) locked up in it. Too much of salt consumption at a time would make you ill. However, salt contains some nutrients also. Therefore, it is a fact that any substance may contain poisonous constituents. Amygdaline is actually less toxic than salt and sugar.

    You may be shocked to know that your body is creating cancer cells all the time. However, your natural immune system fights against those cells and defeats them. Sometimes, the body may be exposed to carcinogens. Then the cancer cells multiply rapidly, making it difficult for the immune system in the body to handle. Amygdalin works together with your immune system and hits the cancer cells directly. The cancer cells have an enzyme called rhodanese that unfastens the cyanide in the amygdalin and thereby destroys the cancer cells. The normal living tissues do not contain this enzyme, so poison in the amygdalin does not harm that healthy cell.

    The apricot seeds are typically not good to taste; they have slight bitterness. The amygdalin or vitamin B12 in the seeds is responsible for that bitter taste. If you need to consume large amount of apricot seeds, you can eat them in empty stomach, so that you can avoid the chance of nausea. You can also eat some types of fruits like peaches, plums, apples, apricots, cherries and pears that would help to neutralize the effect of amygdaline and to prevent the vomiting sensation.If you have gone through chemotherapy or radiation treatment, you need to strengthen your immune system first. Taking carrot juice or spinach juice can be beneficial in improving the immune system.
Helen R. Miller is a diet control fanatic, who has lost over 70 pounds of body fat. She shares her amazing story of how she did it through her weight and diet control [] blog.
By Helen R. Miller

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Apricot Seeds For Immune System Health ( By Joni Bell )

                                                           Author : Joni Bell

     We all want our immune systems to function well. After all, it is our immune systems that keep us from getting ill. It is easy to see which people have stronger immune systems sometimes. For example, take a look at teachers in an elementary school building. Some teachers may come down with every cold, flu, or bug that is going around-these are typically the newly hired teachers or teachers who are new to that particular school system. The other teachers who rarely get ill have stronger immune systems in relation to those types of illnesses because their bodies have adapted to that specific setting.

    There are ways to boost the immune system, though-methods through which anyone can work to try to strengthen his immune system so as to be less susceptible to both regular, everyday types of illnesses and more serious illnesses such as cancer.You can boost your immune system through the use of apricot seeds. Though many conventional doctors may not subscribe to this theory, it does work (and anyway, conventional doctors nearly always reject alternative therapies out of hand, don't they?).

    Taking apricot seeds works to prevent 'bad' cells in your body from forming, thus strengthening your immune system. Apricot seeds have the toxin cyanide as part of their structure; this cyanide, though, is only released when the amygdalin of the apricot seeds comes into contact with a 'bad' cell in your body. At that point, the cyanide works to destroy the bad cell.If you take apricot seeds on a regular basis, your body will remain detoxified and free of the 'bad' cells that commonly cause the more serious types of illnesses, including cancer.There are hundreds of different types of cancer. The odds of getting some type of cancer at some point during your lifetime are relatively high-especially considering what scientists tell us.

    They tell us that our bodies are continually making cancerous cells. That's pretty scary, isn't it? Well, there is a way to prevent those cancerous cells from ever developing into cancer-a way to destroy those cells before they have a chance to do any harm. It involves the use of apricot seeds.Normally our immune systems can deal with the cancerous cells that our bodies are producing, scientists say. However, what if yours cannot? That means you will develop some type of cancer. So, perhaps you should try taking apricot seeds as a method of cancer prevention...just in case.

Any Apricot Seeds?

    Now, before you head off to your local health foods store or nutrition store and grab whatever bag of apricot seeds you can find, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, the apricot seeds you would find at your local store are not the type of seeds you could use for cancer prevention.
Health food stores carry either sun-dried or roasted apricot kernels. While these may have nutritive benefits, they do not have any type of cancer preventive properties. Instead, you need raw apricot seeds.

Why Raw Apricot Seeds?

    Raw apricot seeds have a special construction that allows them to destroy cancerous cells-in the process of roasting the seeds or sun-drying the seeds, this special construction is, itself, destroyed. Roasted and sun-dried seeds do not have the component that is necessary to destroy the cancer cells.Raw seeds are comprised of amygdalin. Amygdalin has cyanide locked away that only cancer cells can unlock. When the amygdalin comes into contact with a cancer cell, the cyanide comes and destroys the cell. It is this component that the roasted and sun-dried apricot seeds are lacking. Amygdalin is also called B17. In its extracted, pure form it is also known as laetrile. Laetrile has been used to treat cancer sufferers in some cancer clinics.
Jonathan Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. []
By Joni Bell

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Organic Apricot Kernels - Your Superfood Against Cancer ( By Arthur Martin )

    Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world today. Thousands have died and thousands more suffer daily because of this disease. Yet, as it goes, the prevention of cancer is far better than finding the cure.
Indeed, there's a lower chance of getting cancer if you eat nutritious food and live a healthy lifestyle. In most cases, cancers develop because of a person's genetic disposition or the individual's affinity for overindulgence of cancer-producing foods. There's a good chance that people can 'catch' cancer also if they're exposed to high levels of radiation. There are over 100 types of cancer today, and they attach to various parts of the human cells and tissue. A person's chance of preventing cancer must come from natural organic, and highly nutritious foods that enhance the defenses of these cells and tissues.

   The food we eat everyday have a very large role in our 'war' against cancer. One of the best foods you can take is Apricot Seed. Apricot Kernels, or also known as bitter almonds, contain high levels of the Vitamin B17, also called Amygdalin. It is one of the necessary ingredients in the prevention of cancer cells, from growing and spreading throughout the body.

   Apricot Kernels have also been well-known as immune system boosters. A person's body today is exposed to thousands of pathogens and chemical agents that can harm the major organs and even activate or increase the growth of cancer cells. With the help of nutritious foods like Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, as well as Apricot Kernels, every person now has a fighting chance against highly infectious diseases and serious illnesses.
     If you are very determined to achieve a healthy and a cancer-free life then you should eat nutritious foods and live a healthy lifestyle, and find out more about Organic Apricot Kernels and Bitter Apricot Kernels from

This article was written by Arthur Martin who has been an expert on health foods in general, and has owned a health food shop for several years. He has now become one of the leading distributors of Goji Berries in the UK.
By Arthur Martin

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The Facts About Cancer ( By Joni Bell )

                                                      Author :  Joni Bell

       Cancer has been a plague on humanity for a long time. Can you even imagine the impact this would have on our world if the suffering of so many people could be put to an end? Because we don't fully understand exactly what causes cancer it means that we can only take certain precautions to avoid it.First off it is a good idea to understand exactly what cancer is and try to ascertain whether it is hereditary or something you can acquire. This is what happens with a population of cells that increase in size by replication, similar to the amoeba.

     The difference between a cancerous tumor an a benign one is that malignant tumors continue to grow whereas benign ones limit their growth an many of us live comfortably with them during out lives without even knowing. While it is not generally a young person's disease, it can occur at any age. While smoking, chemicals and radiation for instance, can be the cancer trigger, it is the poison from these or other sources that transform body cells and create genetic abnormalities which grow and multiply.

    For some people the problem lies not with any form of external poison although faults with their parents DNA or genetic makeup can result in a person being born with the diseased cells. Complex relationships between carcinogens and a person's genetic makeup may explain why only some develop it after exposure to a known carcinogen.Long term research has given a better picture of what cancer is and the study of cancer is one of the top ten diseases being researched throughout the world. We are always learning more about diseases and how they affect our bodies and minds. After all we all want to know more about why we contract cancer and how to avoid it.

      Your regular diet could be putting you at long term risk from all kinds of diseases. People are generally eating too much of the wrong things such as an excess salt intake, too much saturated fat and certain dairy produce.Cancer does not have any prejudice when it comes to invading a person's body as it can strike anywhere. Some people can have cancer for several years before they have any symptoms. Nature has provided us a way to combat cancer and it comes from the apricot seed, therefore a patent can't be implemented since the apricot seed is not a pharmaceutical and there is no money to be made. On the business side, cancer is huge money maker and the love of that is truly the root of deception, amongst other things. Chemo is basically poison and there are natural alternatives available that are being and will continue to be kept under wraps.

     For the sake of your loved ones make changes in your diet where there needs to be changes. Include vitamin B17 which is a cancer killer in spite of the "quackery" label that has been placed on it. There is a way to live cancer free.
Joni Bell has many years of extensive study in the area of natural cancer prevention and treatment. He has numerous success stories of people being diagnosed living cancer free with use of alternative methods. Joni Bell [].
By Joni Bell

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Sunday, 29 May 2011

The Studies on Laetrile ( By Helena Reimer )

      No controlled clinical trials which compare groups of patients who received laetrile and those who didn't have never been reported.In 1962 a study was done on 10 people and the results showed a decrease in swelling and tumor size. The study also showed that Laetrile worked well as a pain reliever. However there was no long-term follow-up done to confirm the positive effectiveness of Laetrile.
Benzaldehyde was tested in 2 clinical studies on patients with advanced cancer who had not responded to Chemotherapy. Some of these patients recovered completely with all signs and symptoms of cancer completely gone.

     There have also been other reports of case studies where the patients recovered when given Laetrile and Chemo.Yet other reports and studies done by the National Cancer Society conclude that laetrile had little or no effect on cancer.

The Truth

    The truth is many people were helped with laetrile in small clinics and these clinics were gaining popularity over the larger government hospitals approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many people were cured, and thus the FDA and large pharmaceutical companies were losing money on not being able to dispense conventional medicine as they pleased and therefore these clinics were shut down and eventually laetrile became illegal.
    Many physicians who used Laetrile on their patients were prosecuted and many clinics ended moving to Mexico. As a result to this day people from Canada and the United States travel to Mexico to receive cancer treatment.It sounds unimaginable and unreal that an organization such as the FDA would keep a cure for cancer or any other disease from the people. But think about it in terms of money. If the FDA would allow for this natural Vitamin B-17 to exist, people would not need any medicine when sick, but could turn to natural foods which one can pick up at the grocery store.There would be no need for painkillers, Chemotherapy or many other drugs which are on the market today.

For more information visit the sites below.
For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. More on A Cure For Cancer

By Helena Reimer

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Several References Book About VITAMIN B17

1) World Without Cancer - G.Edward Griffin

2) Alive & Well - One doctors experience with nutrition in the treatment of cancer patients - Phillip Binzel

3) Cancer - why were still dying to know the truth - Phillip Day

4) Killing Cancer - The Jason Winters Story - Jason Winters

5) Ministry of Healing - Ellen G White

6) The Cancer Industry - Ralph Moss

7) Questioning Chemotherapy - Ralph Moss

8) The Calcium Factor - The Scientific Secret of health and youth - Robert Barefoot Click here to buy

9) Some of these books may be purchased from

Online Article About VITAMIN B17 ( Source by )

More Articles Online About VITAMIN B17 :

2) Part One — The Science of Cancer Therapy
   A World Without Cancer Review/Summary by Sandy Fiedler 

3) Part Two — The Politics of Cancer Therapy   A World Without Cancer Review/Summary by Sandy Fiedler

Foods Containing B17 (Nitrilosides)Vitamin B17 appears in abundance in untamed nature.
Article: Cancer, Merely a Vitamin Deficiency Disease?
Contact Your Senator in Oppostion to the CODEX Alimentarius
Senator Phil Gramm's Non-position re: the CODEX Alimentarius
Time to Ban That Dangerous AMA?

Barbara Stitt's Food & Behavior
Reviewed by Jay Banks

Understanding sickness and understanding cancer,
A beginners guide to health, by Jay Banks

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Nature Intended a World Without Cancer ( By Joni Bell )

                                                          Author : Joni Bell

         Cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States, preceded only by heart disease. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 559,000 U.S. Americans will die from cancer this year. That's about 1,500 people a day!Excluding non-invasive and bladder cancer, about 1.45 million new cancer cases are expected during 2008. So how is it that any of us gets cancer in the first place? Is it exposure to cigarette smoking, intense sunlight or perhaps the effect of toxic food additives? Dr. Krebs thinks not. All of the hard, biochemical evidence points to the fact that cancer is a simple deficiency disease of vitamin B17, long ago removed from our highly-refined, western diets.

       Krebs postulates that the so-called 'carcinogens' are merely stress triggers that finally expose the B17 deficiency with devastating effect.In 1974, author and political commentator, Edward G. Griffin, published World Without Cancer, summarizing and analyzing Dr. Krebs' finding. Krebs and other holistic such as Dr. Thomas A. Doorman, insist that there is no cure for cancer, but that natural sources such as vitamin B-17 help rid the body of cancer. The American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association and the FDA call this a "quackery" or a scheme to make money. They say that their tests prove vitamin b-17, also known as Laetrile, is not effective for treating cancer.

       According to Griffin, the 1953 California Report continues to be the basis of most scientific or legal opposition to vitamin B-17 today. The report, written by Dr. Henry Garland and Dr. E. M. McDonald of the California Medical Association's Cancer Advisory Commission, claims there is no proof Laetrile is an effective control for cancer.However, Griffin writes in World Without Cancer that Garland and McDonald actually falsified information from Laetrile experiments cited in the California Report. In fact, 10 years after the report was published, original documents surfaced that proved information had been falsified. Although the report was subsequently updated, additional problems such as insufficient vitamin dosages used in the experiments persisted, and the conclusions of the original California Report remained embedded in the literature and minds of many.

       During the same time of the experiments on Laetrile, Garland and McDonald said that there wasn't a connection between lung cancer and cigarette smoking. Griffin says that studies conducted by groups such as the Sloane-Kettering Institute prove Laetrile is effective, but that they have not been published. Griffin says that the studies were suppressed from "top" directors.Why would the American Cancer Society and government regulatory agencies suppress the possible wonder of Laetrile? Mr. Griffin states, "They do that because they're trying to make a buck, and something that is found in nature, like Laetrile, cannot be patented."

       According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 1 percent drop in the cancer death rate would eliminate about $500 billion from U.S. economy over the next hundred years. Concentrated forms of Laetrile are sold, but Dr. Krebs suggested consuming it naturally. Apricot kernels are potent in vitamin B-17.
Although holistic treatments for cancer vary, they are less costly than traditional methods such as radiation and chemotherapy. Survival rate estimate for orthodox treatments for advanced cancer is 1/10 of 1 percent while that of holistic approaches is 15 percent.

       No matter how useless or harmful common practices may be, consensus medicine demands that they be used by every physician...if a doctor deviates from this pattern and dares to apply nutrition as the basis of his treatment, even he if attains a high degree of success, he is condemned as a quack.Nature provides an abundance of B17 to keep us healthy. Unfortunately, she puts it in foods that today we've been conditioned into throwing away or avoiding. It seems man has ignored common sense advice going back to ancient times in favor of all the "treats and nutrition" modern manufacturing can provide. Forget the fruit and vegetables. Let's have chips and cola. Sound familiar parents? Our bodies start the road to nutritional imbalance at a young age without us even realizing. We need to learn to think before we eat!
Joni Bell is an advocate of alternative over traditional treatment of cancer and that it can be prevented. Cancer Info []
By Joni Bell

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The Nutritional Value of Four Common Fruits ( By Lv Hongyu )

1. Mango

Mango has a high nutritional value. Every 100 grams of fresh mango contains 56 mg of vitamin C and 11% of sugar. In addition, it is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and some minerals, protein, carotene, folic acid and so on. Since the Song Dynasty in China, mango has been proved to have a lot of medical effectiveness. It can treat thirst, amenorrhea, difficult urination, and so on. Modern clinical research has found out that, mango leaves contain certian chemical component, which can inhibit the influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and so on. What's more, eating mango can also prevent nausea and vomiting and cure chronic laryngitis.

2. Apricot

Apricot contains the most abundant vitamin B17 among all the fruits, while vitamin B17 is a very effective anti-cancer chemical substance. It only kill cancer cells, and will not bring any damage or toxicity on normal healthy cells. Fiji--an island in South Pacific, is regarded as the unique "cancer-free country" in the world. This country is rich in apricot, and people all like to eat. According to the survey, in this country, no people have been died of cancer, and all the residents enjoy a long life. As a result, this country has been known as a "longevity country". According to scientific analysis, often eating apricot may be one of the main reasons why the residents in Fiji Island can be free from cancer and enjoy a long life.

3. Persimmon

Persimmon contains a lot of carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, glucose and fructose, and this is the reason why persimmon tastes so sweet. What's more, persimmon contains a small amount of fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C and so on. In addition, persimmon is rich in pectin, which is a water-soluble dietary fiber. It has a good laxative effect, which plays an important role in eliminating constipation and maintaining the growth of normal flora in the intestinal tract.

4. Watermelon

Watermelon can eliminate summer heat and quench thirst, so it is a favorite fruit in the hot summer. Watermelon contains a variety of nutrients and chemical substances, such as protein, sugar, crude fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, nicotinic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and so on. In addition, watermelon juice also contains alanine and glutamate, malic acid and so on, all of which are necessary components for the composition of the bones and blood of human body.

Lv Hongyu is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.

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Apricot Kernels Help Prevent Cancer ( By Arthur Martin )

         Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases with more than 100 different types. It is a kind of disease that harms the body when damaged cells forms tumors and spread over certain areas of the body. Basically, it is the most dangerous among all other diseases and may cause death if not prevented during the early stages. It is very costly in terms of medication and not all people with cancers are lucky to survive and totally get cured. However, any form of cancer can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet.

       It is very important for us to be aware of having a good diet. We need to avoid foods that contain more sugar and additives. To maintain your body's good health, you need to eat nutritious food. There several cancer fighting foods that contain all the necessary nutrients that our body needs like the Apricot Kernels.

      Apricot Kernels help prevent cancer. It is a seed found at the center of the Apricot fruit. It is also referred as "bitter almonds" that brings a lot of medical and health benefits. It contains vitamin Amygdalin which is a great component that prevents development and spread of cancer cells in the body. Eating foods rich with amygdalin or Vitamin B17 like Apricot Kernels definitely sets you out from any cancer risk. There are also some fruits that contain Vitamin B17 like grapes, apples, peaches and cherries but Apricot Kernels are found to be the most concentrated and the most capable of preventing cancers.

Health benefits of Apricot Kernels:

Maintains and develops a strong immune system- According to a prominent medical researcher, apricot seeds prevent bad and damaged cells that helps keep our immune system strong. He also added that apricot seeds have toxin cyanide which fights bad cells and taking 7 grams of it daily will keep you free from cancer.
Apricot seeds are also use to treat respiratory problems like asthma, cough, bronchitis, wheezing and emphysema. It serves as cough suppressants and expectorants.Apricot Kernels prevents constipation-because of its oil, apricot seeds are used as laxatives that help induce bowel movements.

       Apricot seeds are typically taste bitter or slightly bitter due to its vitamin B12 content. Despite its bitter taste, it is a very nutritious food that keeps our body strong and healthy. Sometimes, you may be required to take large amount of apricot seeds and this may cause nausea. You will need to take it with an empty stomach. Anyhow, eating some fruits like apples, peaches, plums, pears and cherries will help in neutralizing the effect of amygdalin which prevents you to heave.

      Anyone who could have cancer because anytime, our body cells could be damaged which may result to developments of cancer cells. However, these bad cells could be repaired or destroyed by our natural immune system. Therefore, we need to have a good diet and maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Eating Apricot Kernels daily will surely help and will keep us safe from any form of cancer.
This article was written by Arthur Martin who has been an expert on health foods in general, and has owned a health food shop for several years. He has now become one of the leading distributors of Goji Berries in the UK.

For some of the best information about Apricot Kernels and Bitter Apricot Kernels, you can visit
By Arthur Martin

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Cancer and Diet ( By Marilyn Bennett )

The issue of cancer and diet is paramount to your health. Without feeding the body the ingredients it needs, it simply cannot produce the processes that combat the cancer.

     Firstly, when looking at nutrition for cancer, we need to understand the role of pancreatic enzymes. These enzymes, including trypsin & chymotrypsin, play a major role in halting the formation of tumours. Unfortunately these enzymes also play a part in digesting animal proteins, so if our diets are too high in animal protein, then our supply of pancreatic enzymes is tied up in digestion and not available for halting tumours.

     Secondly, we need to understand the role of B17 (hydrocyanic acid) in our diets and specifically its interaction with cancer. B17 interacts with the very large amounts of beta-glucosidase in cancer cells to produce hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde. These two poisons combine into an extremely deadly poison that targets cancer cells. The reason that it doesn't target healthy cells is that although they have small quantities of beta-glucosidase, they also contain rodonase, a substance that cancer cells do not have, that breaks the poison down into compounds that actually assist the bodies immune system! Clever, hey!?
So we start to see the crucial relationship between cancer and diet!
        At this point it is interesting to note that one of the most concentrated sources of natural B17 is apricot kernels - that is the kernel INSIDE the apricot seed itself. However it is our understanding that the sale of apricot kernels is illegal in some countries, including ours. Consequently if you are lucky enough to get your hands on a large supply, it will be by word of mouth connections. However if you are prepared to ask friends to eat a lot of apricots or go on a mission to make frozen or bottled apricots, or maybe apricot jam, there is no law to our knowledge that says you can't eat them. The recommended dosage for people with cancer is up to 60 a day, but starting with 2 per meal and adding one per meal daily to ensure there is no intolerance.

        Side note: Apparently the bureaucratic argument for making sale of them illegal is that they will poison you as they are a cyanide compound, (hydrocyanic acid) and produce another cyanide, (hydrogen cyanide) but they fail to follow through and tell us that the hydrogen cyanide then combines with the rodonase to make compounds that actually boost the immune system.
        Following this logic I have to wonder why then that Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin!) has not been banned. You may be aware they feed B12 to anemia patients!So, we can address a diet for cancer from specific angles. Firstly by adding whatever natural sources we can find that contain B17, secondly by reducing (not cutting out!) animal protein intake, and thirdly by adding nutrients to our diets in their most easily & effectively absorbed forms ie in foods.The bottom line is our body is at our mercy and what we put in to it can either help or hinder its ability to help us. The beauty of becoming aware of the interaction of cancer and diet is that it is something we can do for ourselves, thereby empowering us in the fight against this horrid invader!

Marilyn Bennett is co-author of the best-selling Cancer: Diagnosis to Clear in 11 Months, which chronicles her partner’s journey with cancer. For more information on her extensive research into cancer, please visit

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Easy Cancer Cure ( By Annie Pierce )


                                                     Author : Annie Pierce

        Over 20 years ago there was a lot of controversy over the fact that several world-renown scientists declared that when certain raw fruit seeds were consumed in sufficient quantities, that it made it almost IMPOSSIBLE to develop cancer AND that action alone would kill most EXISTING cancer cells! One would have thought that the entire Medical Industry would have been elated with such information, but instead, the Pharmaceutical Industry immediately demanded the FDA to conduct an extensive study, so that they could prevent the information from getting to the general public. The information from that study can be found in a book entitled, "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17", by Dr. E. Edward Griffin. (I will be discussing the findings in that book in future posts.)

        Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin, is usually found in fruit seeds, however, it's been discovered that apricot seeds have the highest concentration of this amazing vitamin. It was even scientifically determined that when one eats just 7 of these seeds each day, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for the body to develop cancer! This finding was almost exactly parallel to the the 17th Century discovery that if one eats citrus fruit everyday, they will never develop scurvy. (i.e. a vitamin deficiency!)

       The Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry even went so far as to pressure the FDA to make it illegal to sell raw apricot seeds or Vitamin B17 with any information about its marvelous healing effect on cancer! Even to this day, you cannot buy raw apricot seeds in health food stores because of the FDA raids on stores years ago! But at least you can now order them by the pound through the mail.This crucial information is being offered not only as a cancer cure for those who have developed the disease, but also for those who want to keep from ever developing cancer in their lives!

      Most of the people with cancer clusters within their body, after eating apricot seeds on a regular basis, show a nearly complete regression of their tumors. After that regression occurs, it is necessary for cancer patients to follow-up with powerful natural herbal formulas for the regeneration of their cancer-damaged organs.In cases of massive cancerous growths throughout large portions of the body, the raw apricot seeds and the concentrated extract (in the form of Vitamin B17 and Laetrile) may not be able to save the patient, but will prolong life many times over that of chemotherapy.

     Vitamin B17 is found in most fruit seeds in varying degrees of concentration. The following chart adopted from Rebecca Wood's article "Apricot Kernels - Bitter is Sweet", will help you weigh the relative Vitamin B17 potency of the various fruit seeds that become available to you.

Wild Apricot
Bitter Almond

apricot pit wild blackberry
almond wild cranberry
apple pip elderberry
cherry seed
nectarine seed
pear pip
plum seed

Flax seed blackberry buckwheat chickpea
Squash seed cranberry millet fava
boysenberry lima
currant mung
logan berry

       Please remember that while the small seeds of wild apples (crab apples) and wild cherries are superior sources of Vitamin B17, the larger seeds found in today's grocery markets apricots, apples and cherries are less powerful. This is because, over time, the farmers have consistently bred out the bitter flavor to accommodate the "sweet" preference of the Western palate.

      Since apricot seeds have the highest concentration of Vitamin B17 in the world, I am thoroughly convinced, that in spite of their bitter taste, they must be integrated into our DAILY DIETS in the amount equivalent to about 7 SEEDS PER DAY as was prescribed by Dr, Krebs, the scientist who discovered Vitamin B17 over 20 years ago!. If you do not have access to the raw seeds, one or two of the Vitamin B-17 tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental daily dosage as an alternative.

       There is NO mystery about developing a Cancer Cure as we have been so shamelessly led to believe for all of our lives. We've known how to cure cancer for over 20 years, but the greed of the Pharmaceutical Industry purposely kept the information from getting to the masses!...i.e Our good health is definitely NOT in their best interest...because there's so much more money in DEATH AND DISEASE!I think that it's time for each one of us to take control of our own Health rather than depend on the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries that obviously do not have our best interest at heart!
...What do YOU think?....
Thanks for Reading... and...Here's to YOUR Naturally Good Health!

Annie Pierce
By Annie Pierce

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